Personal loan

You want to buy a new car, do work, or downright plan a trip, a wedding or a birth? Personal loan is made for you! With this type of loan 100% depreciable, you can finance your purchases and your personal projects.

Our principle is simple: professional investors (individuals but also legal entities: enterprises, insurance companies, foundations, pension funds, etc.) directly fund personal credits of households.

With this solution alternative and innovative, Finance et Credit transforms the banking system to make it more fair and transparent. We make personal loan faster, simpler and cheaper, and more useful and most profitable savings.

Loan funds come directly from the investments of our investors: Finance et Credit must rigorously examine the creditworthiness of borrowers, and in case of refusal informs them instantly.

Loan Simulator

* Please set the amount you want to borrow
* Please put the number of months you want

Repayment period
0 Month
Monthly calculated

By sending my request, I accept thatCarmes CreditsOr its representatives may contact me by email, phone, or SMS (including by automated means) at the email address or number I provide, including for marketing purposes. I have read understood and accepted the general conditions and the legal notices